
Showing posts from September, 2020

Fuck Trump

And to think that I ran the Trump Rescue Fund 30 years ago to help this utterly incompetent bankrupt: Vote that failed motherfucker out! Postscript: We expected to get 10 or 12 write-in votes at most. Unlike another write-in candidate, we didn't spend thousands of dollars on posters and mailings. We didn't spend a penny, nor did we do any kind of campaigning. In fact, we weren't living in Arizona (or the United States, for that matter) for most of the campaign.  So it was a shock for us to see that the Arizona official canvass showed us getting 1,544 votes or 1.6% of the vote. (The winner of the race, an insane woman , is currently promoting violence in rejecting the official canvass.) Thanks to all the Trump-hating patriots who somehow took the time and trouble to write in our name on their ballots. We are sending love to you all from our new home in Philipsburg, Sint Maarten. We hope democracy will continue in your country.